9143 minutes with a resolution of  1080p

Designing the interior of a spacecraft may be more difficult than you think. When dealing with long tearm confinement, everything from the shape of a chair to the color of […]

Warlords, soldiers, and child laborers all toil over a mineral you’ve never even heard of. Coltan is a conflict mineral in nearly every cell phone, laptop, and electronic device. It’s […]

Terry Beeman is a Choreographer, a dancer, the owner of the Terry Beeman dancing company and creator of the mental head circus show at the king king in LA. This […]

Deep in Siberia’s Taiga forest is Vissarion, a cult leader who looks like Jesus and claims to be the voice of God. He’s known as “the Teacher” to his 4,000 […]

LEGO blocks are one of the most beloved toys in the world, playing a role in many a person’s childhood.

The Aokigahara Forest is the most popular site for suicides in Japan. After the novel Kuroi Jukai was published, in which a young lover commits suicide in the forest, people […]

A fantastic time-lapse of Planet Earth, created from images produced by the geostationary Electro-L Weather Satellite.

Ryan Duffy went to Columbia to check out a strange and powerful drug called Scopolamine. It’s a substance so intense that it renders a person incapable of exercising free will.

Taking pop culture stories and icons as its starting point, the fan community extends those characters into new adventures, unexpected relationships and bizarre remixes.

Heimo Korth is the last man standing in 19 million acres of Alaskan wilderness. His neighbors are polar bears and caribous.

Creators of title sequences are tasked to invent concepts that evoke the core story and themes of the production, and to create a powerful visual experience that pulls the viewer […]

Our bodies remain a place where we want to express ourselves. In this film you meet three tattoo artists of differing styles.


Non-stop voyage from Earth to the edge of the Universe using a single, unbroken shot through the use of spectacular CGI technology.

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