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The best way to eliminate all sensory input is to step inside a sensory deprivation tank.

The state of Guerrero (which means “warrior”) is one of the poorest in Mexico and the site of some of the worst violence in the battle between the drug cartels […]

With a plummeting birth rate and a rapidly ageing population, Japan is facing an unprecedented population collapse with vast economic, social and political implications.


A look at the collaborators behind Random Access Memories, the new album from Daft Punk. Directed by Ed Lachman.

This report investigates how ‘bath salts’ are wreaking havoc across the USA as the number of addicts grows.

One farmer still remains behind braving high levels of radiation and loneliness to tend to abandoned animals.

The film examines the great promise of the Voyager mission and where it will lead us in our grand ambition to move out beyond our home planet.

Viral sensastion ‘Gangnam style’ sparked imitations worldwide. Yet closer to home, the dream to be like such K-Pop idols is driving young South Koreans to a darker level of imitation: […]

West African truck drivers spend days, weeks, and sometimes months dealing with corrupt border officials and illegal checkpoints on harrowing delivery trips that should take just a few hours.

“Land of Whispers” invites you to visit arguably the most unique and isolated travel destination in the world – not to criticize, but to observe and listen.

The only TV doc to have advance access to the biggest Wikileaks release ever.

Did Mars long ago develop far enough for life to arise? If so, does anything still live within Mars’ dusty plains, beneath its ice caps, or somewhere underground?

This is a story about the rapid evolution of a technology that has forced the American legal system to play catch up.

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