2712 minutes to watch tagged with duration short
The fastest-rising pop star of the moment is 17 and writes off-kilter hits with her older brother from their parents’ house. Breaking down Billie Eilish’s “Bury a Friend,” we show […]
Fake videos and audio keep getting better, faster and easier to make, increasing the mind-blowing technology’s potential for harm if put in the wrong hands. Bloomberg QuickTake explains how good […]
In tiny bunkers in the United States, young pilots are operating unmanned drones targeting ‘bad people’ in Pakistan.
In 1948, German philosopher Josef Pieper predicted that society was headed for a dystopia he called ‘Total Work’. With most of us in 2017 working too long, missing social events, […]
The country is in chaos, but its leaders aren’t going anywhere.
It took 10 days, a lot of burgers and one helicopter ride to produce this video. 10 days is very little time to discover this city of endless opportunities, so […]
When Abu was 15, he discovered the potential of machine learning. Now what he’s building could help doctors and patients all over the world.
A new crop of ultra-luxurious New York high rises are vying to be the next hot “it” building and are attracting billionaires from nearby as well as abroad.
Seventy-five year old Ruben Pardo is the oldest elevator manual operator in Los Angeles. For six days a week over the past 40 years, he has helped the patrons of […]
Outside of metropolitan cities, a majority of people in the small, disenfranchised towns in Northern England voted to leave the European Union. In the fallout from the referendum, many Remain […]
The 2016 Olympics are set to begin in just over a month in Rio de Janeiro. As the city prepares to receive an influx of international visitors, it is building […]
The Coexist logo is famous on bumper stickers and around the world — but it’s also at the center of quite a few battles. Vox’s Phil Edwards looked into it…
George Hotz, the first person to hack the iPhone, says he built a self-driving car in a month. How did he do it? Bloomberg’s Ashlee Vance went to Hotz’s home […]