12612 minutes in category  People

Ever wondered what a day in the life of Richard Branson was like? The Virgin Group chairman recorded a video diary while visiting London to promote his new book Business […]

The story of the Arab revolution that was abandoned by the Arabs, forsaken by the West and forgotten by the world.

Pacha Khan, a 25 year old, from the Logar province in Afghanistan says he is ready to become a human bomb and kill foreigners in his country.

Simon Leventhal, a dentist in New Jersey for 30 years, is an accomplished amateur photographer who has photographed nature and animals in the wild.

Tensions are running high after police shot and killed a man accused of being a gangster in the London borough of Tottenham. What sparked the London riots and what are […]

Her lips are full and pink. Her teal green eyes are intense and inviting. Her black eyeliner accentuates her high cheekbones and her strawberry hair complements her light African skin.

Imagine you’ve been told your baby has died in childbirth and years later you find out that your child has not died at all and it had been sold secretly […]

Colombia’s former FARC guerrillas must live with the regrets of their past and the deadly temptations of the present.

“The film documents the year-long personal and artistic journey that inspired Beyoncé’s fourth solo album, 4.”

The richest 1% of US Americans earn nearly a quarter of the country’s income and control an astonishing 40% of its wealth. Inequality in the US is more extreme than […]

Manuel de los Santos is one of sport’s most inspirational figures. Growing up in the Dominican Republic, he played baseball from a young age and by 2003 was planning to […]

What healing properties does a sweet lake possess? How can you wash clothes in a lake without soap? Can a lake serve as a salt reserve?

“Regular practice of synchronized swimming is a great way to maintain health and strength and a great way to meet active and fun women!

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