52 Videos
6 Articles
52 Locations


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Can Universal Basic Income End Our Cultural Obsession With Work?

Location: United States of America - New York City

In 1948, German philosopher Josef Pieper predicted that society was headed for a dystopia he called ‘Total Work’. With most of us in 2017 working too long, missing social events, […]

The Universal Arts of Graphic Design


Graphic Design surrounds us: it is the signs we read, the products we buy, and the rooms we inhabit.


Neil Armstrong Hosts NASA 50th Anniversary Documentary

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Location: United States of America - Washington

Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11 Commander and first person to walk on the moon, guides us through the history of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the half-century since its […]

Naked Conversations with Nude Women


Nude women talk about woman, body, equality and science.

Money for free? Basic Income

Around the globe, experiments are conducted with alternatives for the existing social security system that has become stuck. People no longer believe in centrally organised long-term planning: change can only […]

2015 Moscow Victory Day Parade / 360

Location: Russian Federation

The 2015 Moscow Victory Day Parade is a parade that is taken place in Red Square in Moscow on 9 May 2015 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the capitulation […]

Charlie Hebdo – Before the Massacre

Location: France - Paris

In this short documentary filmed at Charlie Hebdo in 2006, cartoonists and editors design a satirical front page image of Muhammad.


Planet Ocean

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Filmed in extreme geographical conditions all over the globe, it describes the modern Odyssey of people who go out to discover their blue planet.

Secrets of The Dead – Bugging Hitler’s Soldiers


Spied upon by MI19 in a bugging operation of unprecedented scale and cunning, 4,000 German POW’s revealed their inner thoughts about the Third Reich

Natural Genius: Lights, Signals and Mirrors

Color, light and movement, properly combinated, can produce messages. Some symbols are universal, however other visual languages ​​are issued and understood only by a few species, and are like a […]

Battle of the Jazz Guitarist (2013 Student Academy Award® National Finalist)


A son makes a tribute documentary about his father, a once famous jazz guitarist from the Fiji Islands who gave up his career to move to America for the betterment […]

The Final Member: Film about a Penis Museum and the “entry competition” between two men

Location: Iceland

Paris has the Louvre, New York the Metropolitan Museum. But Husavik boasts the world’s only museum devoted exclusively to painstakingly preserved male genitalia.

The Poodle Trainer


Irina Markova, a solitary Russian poodle trainer, reveals her transcendent relationship with her dogs, the childhood tragedy that sparked a lifetime of working with animals.