13646 minutes in category  Education & Learning

Watch amazing films, documentaries and reports about Education. Learn, get new insights and explore the world beyond headlines.

How the Obama administration is redefining the US military’s strategic priorities with far-reaching consequences.

Control on our daily lives increases and privacy is disappearing.

With a plummeting birth rate and a rapidly ageing population, Japan is facing an unprecedented population collapse with vast economic, social and political implications.

Taiwan doesn’t seem to have learned Fukushima’s lessons. They’ve built a power plant 40 km from an active faultline and 8km from the capital Taipei; and experts say a disaster […]

At the end of the 1960s, the Seven Sisters, the major oil companies, controlled 85 percent of the world’s oil reserves. Today, they control just 10 percent.

Preparations for the Olympics and the World Cup are in full swing in Brazil. But for the residents of Rio de Janeiro’s infamous favelas, the ‘clean-up’ of their iconic city […]

This report investigates how ‘bath salts’ are wreaking havoc across the USA as the number of addicts grows.

As countries like Greece and Spain struggle under massive debts that are impoverishing its people, the elites around the world are getting richer and richer.

Chagas is a deadly disease that has affected millions of people, but one Argentinian doctor is trying to stop it.

Opening credits have existed pretty much since the beginning of moving pictures, and they are as varied as the films themselves.

Lionel Mill’s film has unique access to Prince Saud bin Abdul Mohsen, one of the rulers of the rich, powerful and secretive Saudi royal family.

The film examines the great promise of the Voyager mission and where it will lead us in our grand ambition to move out beyond our home planet.

Viral sensastion ‘Gangnam style’ sparked imitations worldwide. Yet closer to home, the dream to be like such K-Pop idols is driving young South Koreans to a darker level of imitation: […]

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