13646 minutes in category  Education & Learning

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The film goes undercover to investigate the clinics offering cancer patients little but false hope.

As the 90s came to a close, the business of music began to change profoundly. New technology allowed artists to record and produce their own music and music videos, and […]

The 1999 War in Kosovo was a grisly, nebulous affair in which the disputed region’s Serbian and Albanian populations accused one another of rape, ethnic cleansing, and other sordid atrocities.

Innovations in technology are changing the tactics of modern-day conflict, turning the cyberworld into a new frontline.

Sofia immigrated illegally from Colombia to the Netherlands when she was 2 years old. Today – 21 years later – she is still living in the Netherlands without a permit, […]

Ajay is 13 and a Bank Manager. But the bank he manages is a special kind of bank aimed at helping street children in India.

The Venus Project advocates an alternative vision for a sustainable new world civilization unlike any socio-economic system that has gone before.

As China faces social dilemmas such as a widening gender imbalance, it is considering loosening its one-child policy.

A nice documentary film about a paper dealer and a press printer in Los Angeles who is full of skill and pride. The papershop is the oldest in Los Angeles, […]

An aspiring pop star in South Africa shoulders the burden of being HIV positive while trying to realise her dreams.

Formerly the old stomping ground of Pablo Escobar, Medellin is now trying to throw off its powdery legacy and push fashion up the noses of the world.

Chilean students have taken over schools and city streets in the largest protests the country has seen in decades. These actions are causing a political crisis for the country’s billionaire […]

Caddies from an upscale golf club in Mumbai, India, created a version of the game using handmade equipment and a course that winds through the streets and slums. A short […]

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