21578 minutes with a resolution of  360p

More and more people around the world feel they have to follow the trend of “planking”. So what is it? Follow this short film to get the answer.

In this honest, witty and compassionate film Lisa Rogers tries to find out why more and more women are considering vaginal surgery for either aesthetic or cultural reasons.

The secret lives of invisible magnetic fields are revealed as chaotic ever-changing geometries . All action takes place around NASA’s Space Sciences Laboratories, UC Berkeley, to recordings of space scientists […]

In the Yungas region in Bolivia, jungle and steep cliffs, people do not walk – they fly. These bird men are known as ‘cocaleros’, coca harvesters. They use ropes to […]

Justine Frischmann looks at the leading man in Hollywood homes – Richard Neutra. His elegant Californian architecture from the 1930s and 40s now command huge prices. Yet while some are […]

Marc Fennell investigates how shopping malls are designed to make you buy things and brings up some insights that could help consumers understand the whole story. Nice figure: Ikea sells […]

Brazilian children at the Tajaparu river risk getting cut to pieces as they fasten their canoes onto fast-moving tourist boats in order to sell their goods. They are risking death […]

This short documentary looks at the initial theories behind the effectiveness of fluoride and where it originated. It goes on to show the lack of science behind the use of […]


A real time recreation of Yuri Gagarin’s pioneering first orbit, shot entirely in space from on board the International Space Station.

We follow Pakistani truck drivers facing death at every turn transporting goods across mountain passes on arguably the world’s most dangerous road.

Privacy as a commodity: civil liberties experts discuss the implications of implanting Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips in humans.

Renee Thompson is trying to make it as a top fashion model in New York. She’s got the looks, the walk and the drive. But she’s a black model in […]

Is the US contributing to the militarisation of cyberspace? Cyberwar. A conflict without footsoldiers, guns, or missiles. Instead the attacks are launched by computer hackers.

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