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The Most Recognizable Voice in New York

Anyone who rides the New York City subway system is familiar with the friendly-yet-firm command to “stand clear of the closing doors, please.” This deep, sometimes vexing voice—which also apologizes for “unavoidable delays”—belongs to a man named Charlie Pellett. A radio anchor for Bloomberg News, Pellett was raised in London but cultivated an American accent by listening to the radio. His work for the M.T.A., which is done on a volunteer basis, is the only non-reporting voice-over work that he’s done. The filmmaker Andrew David Watson recently spent time with Pellett, to find out what it’s like to have the most recognizable voice in New York. “I’m sorry if you’re stuck in a train,” Pellett says. “I literally share your pain, because I’m probably stuck on that same train wondering, Am I gonna get to work on time?”

Duration: 04:07
Country: United States
City: New York City
Language: EN
Resolution max: 1080p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: The New Yorker
Published on: 2015-08-02
Director: Andrew David Watson
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Ø Rating: 4.00