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Skateboarding across the Middle East: Visualtraveling – The Persian Version

Skateboarding has once again taken us to a bizarre part of the world. Never thought we would be filming tricks in downtown Tehran, Iran if you asked me a couple years ago.

Enjoy a journey from Iran to Turkey via the usual land transportation in our continuous trek zigzagging around the Eurasian peninsula.

Featuring Laurence Keefe, Michael Mackrodt, Kenny Reed, Tobias Ulbrich, MJ Rahimi, Gosha Konyshev, Walker Ryan, Phil Zwijsen and Denny Pham.
Directed, Filmed and Edited by Patrik Wallner
Music Coordination by Benoit Florencon
Production Assistance by Kirill Korobkov
Illustrations by Jesper Lindgren
Director’s Assistance by Derek Flood

Duration: 28:42
Country: Iran
City: Tehran
Language: EN
Resolution max: 720p
Video Source: Vimeo
Provided by: Patrik Wallner
Published on: 2014-04-27
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