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Trying to find the secrets of real American BBQ

In September 2013 a restauranteur and two award-winning chefs travelled to Texas on a quest to discover the secrets of real American BBQ. They immersed themselves in the culture, lifestyle, and way of life that is the Texas ‘Low & Slow’ BBQ scene.

They met the locals and the experts, tasted the best along with the worst, learned about various BBQ techniques, got sick of BBQ, fell in love with it again and went home with all the wisdom they needed to open their own BBQ joint in Vienna, Austria.

Along the way they met the legends of the industry including ‘BBQ Snob’ Daniel Vaughn, Franklin’s BBQ Pittmaster Aaron Franklin, Tootsie of Snow’s BBQ and many more veterans of BBQ.

Duration: 13:33
Country: United States
City: Austin
Language: EN
Resolution max: 1080p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: Big Smoke
Published on: 2014-05-26
Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
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Ø Rating: 4.71