1479 minutes in category Animals
Explore the animal kingdom with free videos. From wildlife to species you have not known before. Films include: Birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, insects and more
Time to find a new hobby! A documentary exploration of artisanal beekeeping’s role in maintaining a healthy agricultural ecosystem.
An audiovisual antarctic adventure with penguins as the main characters. Lean back and explore the fascinating “Tales of Ice”.
An extraordinary visual essay about deforestation in Indonesia as experienced through the eyes of a dying orangutan called Green, whose habitat has been totally destroyed. This story is told entirely […]
From morning till night some weathered salty sea men fish to classic rock. A day in the life of Winthrop lobster fisherman. Beautifully photographed, without dialogue.
Jason Wood shares a very sad moment with the filmmakers when Oden’s struggle with cancer finally comes to an end. A moving documentary about a friendship to end.
Jellyfish Lake is located on Eli Malk island in the Republic of Palau. Twelve thousand years ago these jellyfish became trapped in a natural basin on the island when the […]
There is a long-standing myth that Antarctic penguins flip over at the sound of a passing plane. Unable to right themselves, they risk dying a terrible death in the snow.
Fascinating short film about sculptor Tessa Farmer and her work. She collaborated with the London Natural History Museum’s Entomology Department to unleash an army of tiny faeries on the museum’s […]
Sir David Attenborough narrates this fascinating investigation into the curious and flexible movement of the humble gecko.
A short documentary film detailing the process of halal live animal slaughter. An exploration of man-made transformation
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