609 minutes in category  Space

The film examines the great promise of the Voyager mission and where it will lead us in our grand ambition to move out beyond our home planet.

Did Mars long ago develop far enough for life to arise? If so, does anything still live within Mars’ dusty plains, beneath its ice caps, or somewhere underground?

Join a small team of rocket designers as they open a window into the future of space travel. Stirring music from Digital Republic.

It was one of the greatest mysteries in modern science: a series of brief but extremely bright flashes of ultra-high energy light coming from somewhere out in space.

The film is documenting astronauts’ life-changing stories of seeing the Earth from the outside – a perspective-altering experience often described as the Overview Effect.

A Journey into Space with animated Toy Train Stanley.

Are we alone? It’s the biggest question ever. And the answer is almost within reach. With so many galaxies, and each with so many stars, how could the Earth be […]

Thousands gathered at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, including President Richard Nixon, to witness the historic launch.


Non-stop voyage from Earth to the edge of the Universe using a single, unbroken shot through the use of spectacular CGI technology.

Pandora is the idyllic blue world featured in the movie Avatar. Its location is a real place: Alpha Centauri, the nearest star to our Sun and the most likely destination […]

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