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An Open Secret

For three years, Amy Berg’s documentary “An Open Secret” about paedophilia in Hollywood was virtually invisible. If you see it now, you know why.

In light of the long awaited revelations of sexual abuse in Hollywood finally being reported ESPONDA PRODUCTIONS presents AN OPEN SECRET for free for a limited time . A film about the sexual abuse of children in the entertainment industry in Hollywood. Please support our efforts of raising awareness by sharing with your friends and colleagues. #AnOpenSecret #BeCourageus #ReportIt #LifeGetsBetter. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @AnOpenSecret.


Esponda Productions LLC is the author of this motion picture for purposes of copyright and other laws.

Ownership of this motion picture is protected by copyright laws and other applicable laws, and any unauthorized duplication of this motion picture could result in certain criminal prosecution and civil liability.

Duration: 01:38:22
Language: EN
Resolution max: 720p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: Matt Valentinas
Published on: 2017-11-08
Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
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Ø Rating: 3.00