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Cage Fighting In The USA

We explore the fastest growing sport in America – Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). MMA is now a billion-dollar industry, watched by millions on national TV. But increasingly, amateurs are stepping onto the mat and drawing blood. We meet male and female cage fighters to understand why they love this sport. We also meet Savant Young, a professional fighter and lead trainer at Fight Academy MMA gym in Pasadena, CA. Finally, Mariana spends time in a church run by “The Fight Pastor,” who ministers a flock of young men who fight for Jesus.

“Jesus is the ultimate fighter. He fought death, hell and the grave and won,” says the Fight Pastor, Brandon Beals, who is featured in the show.

MMA still has a bad reputation. “Cage Fighting in the USA” presents the brutal, bloody side of the sport. That makes appearing in documentaries like these, risky for the people who are featured.

Duration: 42:32
Country: United States
City: Pasadena
Language: EN
Resolution max: 360p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: PJ Fronda
Published on: 2013-06-11
Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
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