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Look Inside Fukushima Power Plant with Robot Cam

This is the first footage from inside the crippled nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The pictures, filmed on April 29 but only released on May 4, show some damage inside the Unit 1 building but no water leaks.

The operator was preparing to install air purifiers inside the Unit 1 reactor to reduce radioactivity by 95 perc ent over the next few days, allowing workers into the area. Meanwhile, high radiation levels up to 100-1000 times more than normal level were detected on the Pacific seabed near the Fukushima plant. According to a latest statement from TEPCO on Tuesday, it’s the first find of contamination on the seabed since the tsunami.

Duration: 01:44
Language: EN
Resolution max: 480p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: RT
Published on: 2011-05-04
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