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Ukraine’s Crowdfunded Military & Weaponized Drones

Crowd-funding campaigns can raise money for some pretty wacky projects, such as asteroid defense or images of brains on LSD. But rarely do you hear of campaigns raising funds for military equipment. Enter the People’s Project, a volunteer-led organization based in Ukraine that has a section currently raising funds for a military drone.

The war in eastern Ukraine has cost the lives of over 6,000 people. And despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary Russia continues to deny its involvement in the war. Although the Ukrainians asked the US for support they have been  given very little to fight the russian-backed separatist. Facing another collapsing cease-fire without any serious support from the west, Ukrainian citizens have taken it upon themselves to build and supply their military with proper equipment including crowdfunding surveillance drones and now some have even begun building weaponized drones.


Duration: 11:08
Country: Ukraine
City: Kyiv
Language: EN
Resolution max: 1080p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: Motherboard
Published on: 2015-07-23
Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
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