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Welcome to Macintosh – Documentary about Apple [Trailer]

“A documentary that tries to mix history, criticism and an unapologetic revelry of all things Apple into a movie experience. The film explores the early years of Apple, the many challenges Apple has faced, and what the future may hold for the company and it’s products. Ex-Apple employees, engineers and community members offer insight on the company’s innovations, failures, cultural impact and what the future may be like beyond the reign of its co-founder Steve Jobs. Interviews include notable Apple personalities Andy Hertzfeld, co-creator of the original Macintosh, Guy Kawasaki, long time Mac evangelist, Leander Kahney, author of the book “Cult of Mac”, Jim Reekes, creator of the Macintosh start-up sound and Ron Wayne, original co-founder of the Apple Computer Company.

The film is an independent motion picture and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc.


Duration: 04:19
Language: EN
CC available: EN
Resolution max: 480p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: Google Developers
Published on: 2011-06-16
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Ø Rating: 5.00