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Alaska’s Big Thaw

You would be forgiven for thinking that the freezing wilderness of Alaska would be one of the last places on earth to feel the impacts of global warming.

Instead it’s warming at twice the rate of the rest of the planet… Aaron Thomas investigates the consequences of Alaska’s big thaw.

Aaron visits Newtok, a native Alaskan community, which is predicted to be underwater by 2017 unless they find the money to move upriver, and it’s not the only place pleading for more government help.

Aaron also sees amazing timelapse footage of fast receding glaciers, with one expert believing that all

Duration: 16:59
Country: United States
Language: EN
Resolution max: 720p
Video Source: Dailymotion
Provided by: Journeyman Pictures
Published on: 2013-07-27
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Ø Rating: 3.00