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I Believe I can Fly – Skyliners, wingsuit flying

Highlining pros Tancrede and Julien have come to the spectacular and atmospheric cliffs of the norwegian fjords to try and turn their ultimate dream into reality. They have cemented their friendship over the past years exploring the sport of highlining, from the heights of the alps to the skyscrapers of Paris.
Kids, don’t try this at home.

They now prepare to take their sport in a totally new and radical direction. Join this unique group of friends on their journey to discover the true meaning of freedom. Where living simply, laughing, having fun and exploring new places are all essential ingredients in their voyage into the unknown.

The full film, 40min version can be downloaded for €4,90 at sebmontaz.com You support the crew to make the next project!

Duration: 14:02
Language: EN
Resolution max: 720p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: qrzlove
Published on: 2011-11-08
Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
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Ø Rating: 4.83