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Steve Jobs shows the new Apple Headquarter designed by Norman Foster [Update 3]

The CEO of Apple unveiled the idea of a new headquarter and presented it to the Cupertino City Council. The new campus “City of Apple” will span 148 acres and feature a strong focus on creating a sustainable environment.

Jobs responded to the question “how city residents will benefit from this new campus” by simply saying: “As you know we are the largest tax payer in Cupertino, so we would like to stay here and pay taxes… If we can’t we have to go somewhere else like Mountain View and we take our current people with us”. Strong argument ;-) We officially apply for a shared office there.

Update; October, 2013: A video about the project was released.

Update: June 11, 2012: New renderings, site- and floor plans available (see at the bottom)

Update August 13 2011: The City of Cuppertino released floor plans. See below the video


Duration: 30:27
Language: EN
Resolution max: 480p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: Cupertino CityChannel
Published on: 2012-06-11
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Ø Rating: 5.00