The magic of stop-motion animation has enthralled audiences for over a century, but with the advent of CGI, many thought it was at risk of extinction. Yet despite these fears, animators all over the world continue to manually create unique stories out of physical materials, be it clay, sand or paint, puppets or people. The amount of time and meticulous effort these animators commit makes stop motion uniquely impressive and refreshingly organic in a digital age, and have driven the art form’s resurgence in film and commercials.
Dean Kalman Lennert, Animator, Professor at NYU
Hayley Morris, Animator
Mathew Amonson & Jeremy Bronson, Studio Nos
Meagan Cignoli, Vine Animator
Duration: | 08:10 |
Language: | EN |
Resolution max: | 1080p |
Video Source: | YouTube |
Provided by: | PBSoffbook |
Published on: | 2013-09-06 |
Rating: | |
Category: | Art Education & Learning |