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The Story of Eames Furniture: Marilyn Neuhart with John Neuhart

An exclusive video interview with Marilyn Neuhart, author of “The Story of Eames Furniture”, and her husband John. Both have worked with the Eames Office in various capacities from the 1950s. Having been in close proximity to Charles and Ray Eames as well as the members of the Eames Office and their patron manufacturers for almost 30 years, the Neuharts had the extraordinary opportunity to absorb their stories.

At their Los Angeles home, they tell the tale of working with Charles Eames in Gestalten.tv’s latest look behind the Eames.

Duration: 16:42
Language: EN
Resolution max: 360p
Video Source: Vimeo
Provided by: Gestalten
Published on: 2012-08-05
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