324 minutes located in Asia - India
Jadav Payeng has been planting trees in order to save his island. To date he has single handedly planted a forest larger than Central Park NYC.
In traditional India, love that dishonours family can lead to death. These so-called “honour killings” are illegal in India, but that hasn’t stopped the practice.
With India destined to become the most populous nation on earth by 2026, you’ve got to be highly tactical in your search for a better life.
This observational series continues to explore what life is really like in some of the densest neighbourhoods on the planet.
Every third malnourished child in the world is from India, so what is the government doing to feed its millions?
Caddies from an upscale golf club in Mumbai, India, created a version of the game using handmade equipment and a course that winds through the streets and slums. A short […]
We travel deep into the remote villages and towns of Southern India to uncover an ancient system of religious sex slavery dating back to the 6th century. Although the practice […]
India has the world’s largest number of slaves, among them an increasing number of women and girls sold into marriage. For as little as $120.
Since 2001 all Indian primary schools have provided pupils with a free midday meal. Seven years on truancy rates have been slashed, and child health is soaring. Western governments are […]
Salim Muhammad is a 55-year-old man who lives in North Kolkata with his wife and five children. Since the age of ten he has made a living using a hand-cranked […]
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