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The Gangs That Inherited Pablo Escobar’s Drug Empire: Cooking with Cocaine

In Colombia, the heirs to Pablo Escobar’s drug empire are conducting business as usual — though with a somewhat lower profile. Today’s Medellin drug cartels are highly structured and run much like multinational corporations. But violent gangs operating in the city’s slums provide the muscle; known as combos, they’ve carved Medellin into fiefdoms, imposing invisible borders between gang territory — borders that, when ignored, often get people killed.

VICE News travelled to Medellin to meet gang members — along with top cartel leaders and assassins — who revealed the inner workings of the city’s modern-day cocaine industry.

Duration: 14:03
Country: Colombia
City: Medellín
Language: EN
CC available: FR, EL, IT, PT, SR, ES
Resolution max: 1080p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: VICE News
Published on: 2014-08-06
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