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Keys to Crowdfunding Success: Pitch, Proactive, Audience

Get insights how to setup your crowdfunding campaign to reach your goals. Valuable tips from somebody who definately knows this business very well: Danae Ringelmann co-founded Indiegogo to democratize fundraising. She brings entertainment industry and finance expertise, and serves as an Advisor to The Conversation.

The 3 keys to success

1. Great Pitch

  • You have to tell a compelling story. Tell the story behind the story. Not just what the project is, but who you and your team are. And also why this project should happen.
    Honesty, Transparency & Authenticity
  • Personal video: Campaigns with a video raise 114% more. People want to look in your eyes and see that you are real.
  • Clear Funding Target and Use of Funds
  • Clear Deadline: Recommend: < 40 Days, Campaings less than 40 days are more successful than 40+ days campaigns.
  • Have unique and exiting perks: Things people cannot buy at the “grocery store”, limited in availibility. $25 is most popular perk price. 70% of campaigns reach goal with 3-8 perks.

2. Being Proactive

  • Prepare: Plan to raise the first 30% from people you know. You need people who put the first money in to generate a viral effect.
  • Use updates: Update every 1-4 days doubles your funding
  • Earn High Gogofactor: Take 6 actions: Have a pitch video, offer three or more perks, update every few days, post media to you gallery, link to your other pages, campaign less than two month

3. Audience that Cares

  • Great Pitch and Being Proactive alone will not result in a successful camgaign. You need an audience who supports you. Think about your idea twice, is there a need, market? If the campaign is not successful may be  the need was not strong enough.Iit can help you redefining the idea.
Duration: 13:54
Language: EN
Resolution max: 720p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: The Documentary Network
Published on: 2013-03-22
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