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Meet Mr. Toilet – Jack Sim

For those without access to a simple toilet, poop can be poison. Businessman-turned-sanitation-superhero Jack Sim fights this oft-neglected crisis affecting 2.6 billion people…

“If you manage shit, it becomes a fertilizer. If you don’t manage it, it kills you.”

Film by Jessica Yu. She is the Oscar-winning director of Breathing Lessons, In the Realms of the Unreal, Protagonist, and Last Call at the Oasis.

Jack Sim is the founder of the Restroom Association of Singapore and World Toilet Organization. Formerly in the construction industry, he left to found the Toilet Organization in 2001. For “creating good will and bringing the subject into the open” and “mobilizing national support in providing on-the-ground expertise” he received the Schwab Foundation award for Social Entrepreneur of the Year, also in 2001.

Source Wikipedia.

Duration: 03:25
Language: EN
Resolution max: 720p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: World Toilet Organization
Published on: 2012-10-27
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