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The Green Apple

They use 40% of the world’s energy, emit 50% of its greenhouse gases. “They” are not the cars we drive. “They” are the buildings where we work, live, and grow. Buildings designed with an unconscious disregard for nature.

New York, a city that is leading the charge to green its industrial skyline with several groundbreaking projects. New York combats the urban myth of the bustling city as a “concrete jungle.” “The Green Apple” explores some of Manhattan’s most prominent and technologically advanced structures like One Bryant Park and The Solaire, as well as the innovative minds behind them. The episode illustrates how the ubiquitous skyscraper can surprisingly be a model of environmental responsibility.

Narrated by Brad Pitt

Duration: 25:45
Country: United States
City: New York City
Language: EN
Resolution max: 360p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: PBS
Published on: 2012-10-11
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