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On the Brink – Emerging Opportunities being enabled by Technology

A discussion about the past, present and future of connectivity with a mix of people including David Rowan, chief editor of Wired UK; Caterina Fake, founder of Flickr; and Eric Wahlforss, the co-founder of Soundcloud. Each of the interviewees discusses the emerging opportunities being enabled by technology as we enter the Networked Society. Concepts such as borderless opportunities and creativity, new open business models, and today’s ‘dumb society’ are brought up and discussed.

A film from Ericcson Multimedia by House of Radon.

Duration: 20:56
Language: EN
Resolution max: 720p
Video Source: Vimeo
Provided by: Ericsson
Published on: 2011-12-10
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Ø Rating: 4.67