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Too Many Friends – Use of Social Media and Privacy by the People that use it

Too Many Friends explores the use of social media by the people that use it, the people that study it, and the people that just plain stay away. Presented in a series of personal interviews, the documentary explores friendship and communication in an era where privacy is a rare commodity.

Featuring interviews with:
Dixie Seatle (Professor, AFTV Humber College)
Collin Douma (VP Social Media, Proximity BBDO)
Don Jones (President, Exper!ence It)
Mairin Piccinin (Friend)

Created by Teresa Marie-Boehm, Will Bowes, Diana Galligan, Jamie Manning and Mike O’Doherty

Duration: 12:43
Language: EN
Resolution max: 480p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: RTAShowcase
Published on: 2011-12-10
Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
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Ø Rating: 4.67
