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Tuna Wars

Huge ships now trawl the seas, catching fish such as tuna in bulk, and leaving little for local fishermen in their much smaller boats.

David O’Shea reports from the southern Indian Ocean and boards a Greenpeace vessel to find out more about the multi-million dollar international trade.

Out in the middle of the ocean, he finds the lines are blurred over legal and illegal catches, with no way of tracking the fish passed between ships registered in several different countries.

And there are uncomfortable exchanges as David puts his findings to delegates at the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission.

So, what’s really going on out of sight on the high

Duration: 16:36
Language: EN
Resolution max: 480p
Video Source: YouTube
Provided by: SBS Dateline
Published on: 2013-08-18
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Ø Rating: 4.67