243 minutes tagged with  Food

A brave kid filmmaker goes undercover to reveal the truth about the food service program at his elementary school.

European white truffles sell for as much as $3,600 a pound, but harvests are down and a black market has emerged — none of which has dampened the appetite for […]

The film examines the global commodities futures markets and aims to understand the role of speculation on food prices.


The second film in the series poses a question that almost anyone who’s struggled with excess weight has asked, if only in jest: For all the remarkable high-tech tools available […]


Obesity in America has reached a catastrophic level. Almost every aspect of our lives is threatened. The first step toward ending the damage is learning how to fight back. The […]

Obesity in America has reached a crisis point. Two out of every three Americans are overweight, one out of every three is obese. One in three are expected to have […]

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